Big Ben Guitars
Big Ben Guitars is the brain child of Ben Taylor. His guitars are some of the finest in the world in terms of tone, playability, craftsmanship and aesthetics. The website was designed to reflect those characteristics. The guitar appeals to high-end studio musicians as well as collectors. A classy look with a hint of creative edge was the goal.
University High School of Indiana
Website Template
University High School of Indiana is a private, purposely small, college preparatory, high school. They stress an open setting and almost family-like atmosphere. This was a proposed website designed with an approach consistent with the other University High School materials such as brochure and ads. For an explanation of the thought process for this design approach, see the University High School brochure on the "brochure" page.
Roberts Park United Methodist Church
Roberts Park United Methodist Church is a church in the heart of downtown Indianapolis. This website was designed as both an internal and external communication tool. Like the other Roberts Park materials (logo, ads etc.), the website design reflects their respect for their past, traditions, and historic building, but with an emphasis on being relevant to contemporary issues.
University High School of Indiana
Website Template
University High School of Indiana is a private, purposely small, college preparatory, high school. They stress an open setting and almost family-like atmosphere. This was a website template designed before the school undertook an overall branding change. The site featured a "For Students Only" section and utilized student quotations.
Website Template
TCLogic's LogicStock software was updated and renamed ROI+. It is an inventory software product that can be customized to an individual company's needs. The website here shows an update from a look developed earlier.
An otherwise dry subject matter was given an active and contemporary look and reflected the idea of inventory "movement." The overall feel was more clean and European looking than the previous style.
Eli Lilly Federal Credit Union
Employee Development Website Design
Employee Development, including the University of Success is an ongoing, internal educational program available to Eli Lilly Federal Credit Union employees. This website would inform and allow employees to take classes online, etc. to further their knowledge. The design shown here was not a final design, but a proposed look. By using common, slightly cliché academic visuals, the design approach attempts to encourage participation by presenting the subject matter in an interesting as well as non-intimidating way.
TCLogic's LogicStock is an inventory software product that can be customized to an individual company's needs. The second website template design option proposed here utilizes the same approach given to other materials such as the company brochure and magazine ads. An otherwise dry subject matter was given an active and contemporary look to "stand out from the crowd" and to reflect the idea of inventory "movement."
University High School of Indiana
Website Template
University High School of Indiana is a private, purposely small, college preparatory, high school. They stress an open setting and almost family-like atmosphere. This was a website template option designed before the school undertook an overall branding change. The site featured a "Students Only" section and utilized student quotations.